Category: Acu-Vac Energy Coils

The Light-Life Acu-Vac Coil was developed from the principle of the Light-Life Tensor Ring. It is also a superconductor, differing in the fact that the one-way energy flow is selectively directed along the axis of the coil. The detrimental energy causing discomfort in the body (or in a situation) is drawn through the coil and converted to beneficial energy improving your environment when it leaves the coil. The drawing in or suction end is furthest from the bead. In a sense, the coil acts as a vacuum cleaner for discomfort and adverse energy. This has been verified with scientific research. The further away the coil is from your body, the stronger the effect seems to be. After pulling out all of the unfavorable energy โ€“ you will want to turn the coil around and point with the bead to the area you have been working on to fill it with light energy. You can also use the Acu-Vac Coil for long-distance session by pointing it at a picture of the person that needs assistance.

We recommend using your intuition for the best way to use our Acu-Vac Coils. Here are some common uses:

To balance your chakras, use the coil perpendicular to them
Tuck the coil under your armpit with the bead pointing down to pull out discomfort from your shoulder
Use the coil on broken bones by going over the area of the break with the bead end of the coil pointing away from the body
Scan your food with the coil when eating in a restaurant to pull out or improve anything that might not be good for you
Point the coil with the bead toward your thymus gland to strengthen your immune system
Use the coil on acupressure points โ€“ to charge, point the bead toward the point and to discharge, point the bead away- be aware that the Acu-Vac Coil may work faster than acupuncture needles!
Use the coil on injured or sick livestock to speed up the recovery process
Use the coil in combination with a Feedback Loop by hooking them both onto a Light-Life Ring to create super potentized water
We offer Acu-Vac Coils in four different sizes: Sacred Cubit, Lost Cubit, Empowerment Cubit and the Large Lost Cubit. The larger the coil, the larger its resulting energy field. The heavier gauge the wire, the stronger the energy field. The smaller tools are just as effective as the larger ones โ€“ they may just take longer to produce the same results.

Additional measurement information, as it pertains to Acu-Vac Coils, specifically:

Sacred Cubit: The Sacred Cubit Acu-Vac Coil appears to draw out discomfort, ease agitation, potentize water when used with the Light-Life Tensor Ring and the Feedback Loop (described below), clear chakras and remove harmful energy.

Lost Cubit: The Lost Cubit Acu-Vac Coil has benefits similar to those of the Sacred Cubit, including drawing out discomfort, easing agitation and removing adverse energy โ€“ plus it may aid in emotional healing and works faster than the Sacred Cubit.

Large Lost Cubit: The Large Lost Cubit Acu-Vac Coil has benefits similar to those of the Lost Cubit, but because of its larger size results may be faster and greater. Originally, it was made for veterinary practitioners and ranchers for use on large animals. However, it soon became a favorite for health practitioners as the results (especially for chronic discomfort and inflammatory conditions) were much faster.


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